From brand development to content marketing
Of course, it’s all about you. Do you need branding, storytelling, content strategy, or an integrated marketing campaign? I can help you in all these domains, and even more.
If you are a business, I can develop concepts and stories that make your brand stand out from the crowd.
If you are an agency, I can join your team, or work independently, to give you additional strength for anything, from digital content to a fully integrated campaign, from website design to pitching a Fortune 500 brand.
If you are working for a non-profit organization or a startup, you might not be very familiar with advertising and marketing. I can help you figure out the right creative strategy to reach your audience and deliver effective content.
So, contact me and let me know about you and your needs. Or just call me: +1 646 520 9793.
About me
I am very lucky. I’ve lived before and after the digital revolution, and I believe the brand is not dead.
Each time I develop a Facebook page, conceive an email campaign or design a website, I always rely upon my expertise in branding. I recall my experience in advertising at Saatchi or Havas, figuring out a strategic and compelling voice for the brand I am working on.
From my time working on direct marketing campaigns at McCann Communications and Rapp as a freelancer, I always keep in mind the customer and the relationship you need to maintain with her or him, and how a friendly or humorous tone can draw them closer to your brand idea.
After 10 years of creating digital campaigns and, of course, integrated campaigns, I always like to share my great sense of branding to help agencies, companies, and non-profit organizations find the best content, voice, and storytelling to reach their audience in the most effective way.
About us
In business, as in life, we all are looking for strong and creative relationships that last forever. I am looking forward to creating new projects with you and achieving great successes.
What are we going to cook together? What are we going to invent, create, and implement? How are we going to work? Remote, or in house? Contract, or permanent? From the same city, or from different continents? Flexibility makes everything possible.
If you have an emergency you need solved right now, or a new project you want to talk about, contact me, or just call me +1 646 520 9793.
About them
And all this is about these brands we love so much and work so hard for. I have conducted campaigns for all kind of industries, from automotive to pharmaceutical, from bank to fashion, and human rights organizations as well.

Non profit organizations
Beauty and home care

Pharmaceutical and Healthcare


Banking, Financial Services and Insurance

Information Technology (IT)

Manufacturing, Energy and Communication