Branding campaign for CPR Asset Management
Agency: Aastroëm Munier BBN, France-Sweden
Branding goals and objectives
CPR Asset Management wanted to join a larger company to increase their notoriety and engage more clients. To achieve this goal, they needed to refresh their image to become more attractive among the actors in the business. So, they asked us to rebrand their business.
A concept to get noticed
To demonstrate their determination to stand out and impose their new state of mind, I created the concept and tagline “The New Fonds Racers.” This pun means that people at CPR are long distance runners, like marathoners, and have a new approach to finding the best long-term funds. To illustrate this concept, we chose a strong, distinct visual, belonging exclusively to the brand, to punctuate all CPR Asset Management statements. To launch this B2B campaign, we created a web movie displayed on their website and at their convention booths.
An integrated campaign
To extend this web movie, we created an integrated campaign with a magazine ad and a mailing, as well as branding all their office areas: front desk, elevator doors and cafeteria.
Goal achieved!
As result of this campaign, CPR Asset Management joined Amundi’s global network, one of the largest in the international asset management business.
Magazine Ads
Mailing and Billboard
Office Branding
Front Desk Branding